Friday, November 6, 2009

Conmigo - With Myself

Alguna gente se escapa de sí misma. Se distrae para no estar en compañía de su propia persona. Quizás no se gustan como son, o peor aún, hace tanto que se evitan que se desconocen completamente. Una pena, porque tal vez si se dieran la oportunidad, se gustarían más de lo que suponen.

Yo en cambio, sin saber muy bien por qué, disfruto de la compañía de las personitas que viven en mí. Algunas me molestan un poco, pero aprendo tanto de ellas. Otras me entretienen, y muchas me sorprenden. La verdad es que me gusta estar conmigo.


Some people escape from themselves. They try to get distracted so that they don't find themselves in their own company. Maybe they don't like how they are, or even worst, they have avoided themselves for so long that they became complete strangers. Such a pity, because perhaps if they gave themselves a chance, they might like who they are more than they expect.

I, however, without really knowing why, enjoy the company of all the people that live in me. Some bother me from time to time, but I learn from them. Others entertain me, and many actually surprise me. The truth is I like being with myself.

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